(lispkit math)

Library (lispkit math) defines functions on numbers. Numbers are arranged into a tower of subtypes in which each level is a subset of the level above it:

  • number

  • complex number

  • real number

  • rational number

  • integer

For example, 3 is an integer. Therefore 3 is also a rational, a real, and a complex number. These types are defined by the predicates number?, complex?, real?, rational?, and integer?.

There is no simple relationship between a number’s type and its representation inside a computer. Scheme’s numerical operations treat numbers as abstract data, as independent of their representation as possible.

Numerical constants


The constant pi.


Euler's number, i.e. the base of the natural logarithm.


Number of bits used to represent fixnum numbers (typically 64).


Greatest fixnum value (typically 9223372036854775807).


Smallest fixnum value (typically -9223372036854775808).


Bound to the appropriate machine epsilon for the hardware representation of flonum numbers, i.e. the positive difference between 1.0 and the next greater representable number.


This value compares greater than or equal to all finite floating-point numbers, but less than infinity.


This value compares less than or equal to all positive floating-point numbers, but greater than zero.


(number? obj) (complex? obj) (real? obj) (rational? obj) (integer? obj)

These numerical type predicates can be applied to any kind of argument, including non-numbers. They return #t if the object is of the named type, and otherwise they return #f. In general, if a type predicate is true of a number then all higher type predicates are also true of that number. Consequently, if a type predicate is false of a number, then all lower type predicates are also false of that number.

If z is a complex number, then (real? z) is true if and only if (zero? (imag-part z)) is true. If x is an inexact real number, then (integer? x) is true if and only if (= x (round x)).

The numbers +inf.0, -inf.0, and +nan.0 are real but not rational.

(complex? 3+4i)    ⇒  #t
(complex? 3)       ⇒  #t
(real? 3)          ⇒  #t
(real? -2.5+0i)    ⇒  #t
(real? -2.5+0.0i)  ⇒  #f
(real? #e1e10)     ⇒  #t
(real? +inf.0)     ⇒  #t
(real? +nan.0)     ⇒  #t
(rational? -inf.0) ⇒  #f
(rational? 3.5)    ⇒  #t
(rational? 6/10)   ⇒  #t
(rational? 6/3)    ⇒  #t
(integer? 3+0i)    ⇒  #t
(integer? 3.0)     ⇒  #t
(integer? 8/4)     ⇒  #t

(fixnum? obj)

Returns #t if object obj is a fixnum; otherwise returns #f. A fixnum is an exact integer that is small enough to fit in a machine word. LispKit fixnums are 64-bit words. Fixnums are signed and encoded using 2’s complement.

(ratnum? obj)

Returns #t if object obj is a fractional number, i.e. a rational number which isn't an integer.

(bignum? obj)

Returns #t if object obj is a large integer number, i.e. an integer which isn't a fixnum.

(flonum? obj)

Returns #t if object obj is a floating-point number.

(cflonum? obj)

Returns #t if object obj is a complex floating-point number.

(exact? obj) (inexact? obj)

These numerical predicates provide tests for the exactness of a quantity. For any Scheme number, precisely one of exact? and inexact? is true.

(exact? 3.0)    ⇒  #f
(exact? #e3.0)  ⇒  #t
(inexact? 3.)   ⇒  #t

(exact-integer? obj)

Returns #t if obj is both exact and an integer; otherwise returns #f.

(exact-integer? 32)    ⇒  #t
(exact-integer? 32.0)  ⇒  #f
(exact-integer? 32/5)  ⇒  #f

(finite? obj)

The finite? procedure returns #t on all real numbers except +inf.0, -inf.0, and +nan.0, and on complex numbers if their real and imaginary parts are both finite. Otherwise it returns #f.

(finite? 3)           ⇒  #t
(finite? +inf.0)      ⇒  #f
(finite? 3.0+inf.0i)  ⇒  #f

(infinite? obj)

The infinite? procedure returns #t on the real numbers +inf.0 and -inf.0, and on complex numbers if their real or imaginary parts or both are infinite. Otherwise it returns #f.

(infinite? 3)          ⇒  #f
(infinite? +inf.0)     ⇒  #t
(infinite? +nan.0)     ⇒  #f
(infinite? 3.0+inf.0i) ⇒  #t

(nan? obj)

The nan? procedure returns #t on +nan.0, and on complex numbers if their real or imaginary parts or both are +nan.0. Otherwise it returns #f.

(nan? +nan.0)      ⇒  #t
(nan? 32)          ⇒  #f
(nan? +nan.0+5.0i) ⇒  #t
(nan? 1+2i)        ⇒  #f

(positive? x)

Returns #t if number x is positive, i.e. x > 0.

(negative? x)

Returns #t if number x is negative, i.e. x < 0.

(zero? z)

Returns #t if number z is zero, i.e. z = 0.

(even? n)

Returns #t if the integer number n is even.

(odd? n)

Returns #t if the integer number n is odd.

Exactness and rounding

Scheme distinguishes between numbers that are represented exactly and those that might not be. This distinction is orthogonal to the dimension of type. A number is exact if it was written as an exact constant or was derived from exact numbers using only exact operations. A number is inexact if it was written as an inexact constant, if it was derived using inexact ingredients, or if it was derived using inexact operations.

Rational operations such as + should always produce exact results when given exact arguments. If the operation is unable to produce an exact result, then it either reports the violation of an implementation restriction or it silently coerces its result to an inexact value.

(exact z) (inexact z)

The procedure inexact returns an inexact representation of z. The value returned is the inexact number that is numerically closest to the argument. For inexact arguments, the result is the same as the argument. For exact complex numbers, the result is a complex number whose real and imaginary parts are the result of applying inexact to the real and imaginary parts of the argument, respectively. If an exact argument has no reasonably close inexact equivalent (in the sense of =), then a violation of an implementation restriction may be reported.

The procedure exact returns an exact representation of z. The value returned is the exact number that is numerically closest to the argument. For exact arguments, the result is the same as the argument. For inexact non-integral real arguments, the function may return a rational approximation. For inexact complex arguments, the result is a complex number whose real and imaginary parts are the result of applying exact to the real and imaginary parts of the argument, respectively. If an inexact argument has no reasonably close exact equivalent, (in the sense of =), then a violation of an implementation restriction may be reported.

These procedures implement the natural one-to-one correspondence between exact and inexact integers throughout an implementation-dependent range.

(approximate x delta)

Procedure approximate approximates floating-point number x returning a rational number which differs at most delta from x.

(rationalize x y)

The rationalize procedure returns the simplest rational number differing from x by no more than y. A rational number r1 is simpler than another rational number r2 if r1 = p1/q1 and r2 = p2/q2 (in lowest terms) and |p1| ≤ |p2| and |q1| ≤ |q2|. Thus 3/5 is simpler than 4/7. Although not all rationals are comparable in this ordering (consider 2/7 and 3/5), any interval contains a rational number that is simpler than every other rational number in that interval (the simpler 2/5 lies between 2/7 and 3/5). Note that 0 = 0/1 is the simplest rational of all.

(rationalize (exact .3) 1/10)  ⇒  1/3

(floor x) (ceiling x) (truncate x) (round x)

These procedures return integers. floor returns the largest integer not larger than x. ceiling returns the smallest integer not smaller than x. truncate returns the integer closest to x whose absolute value is not larger than the absolute value of x. round returns the closest integer to x, rounding to even when x is halfway between two integers.

If the argument to one of these procedures is inexact, then the result will also be inexact. If an exact value is needed, the result can be passed to the exact procedure. If the argument is infinite or a NaN, then it is returned.

(floor -4.3)     ⇒ -5.0
(ceiling -4.3)   ⇒ -4.0
(truncate -4.3)  ⇒ -4.0 
(round -4.3)     ⇒ -4.0
(floor 3.5)      ⇒ 3.0
(ceiling 3.5)    ⇒ 4.0
(truncate 3.5)   ⇒ 3.0
(round 3.5)      ⇒ 4.0 ; inexact
(round 7/2)      ⇒ 4   ; exact 
(round 7)        ⇒ 7


(+ z ...) (* z ...)

These procedures return the sum or product of their arguments.

(+ 34)   ⇒  7
(+ 3)    ⇒  3
(+)      ⇒  0
(* 4)    ⇒  4
(*)      ⇒  1

(- z) (- z1 z2 ...) (/ z) (/ z1 z2 ...)

With two or more arguments, these procedures return the difference or quotient of their arguments, associating to the left. With one argument, however, they return the additive or multiplicative inverse of their argument.

It is an error if any argument of / other than the first is an exact zero. If the first argument is an exact zero, the implementation may return an exact zero unless one of the other arguments is a NaN.

(- 3 4)     ⇒  -1
(- 3 4 5)   ⇒  -6
(- 3)       ⇒  -3
(/ 3 4 5)   ⇒  3/20
(/ 3)       ⇒  1/3

(= x ...) (< x ...) (> x ...) (<= x ...) (>= x ...)

These procedures return #t if their arguments are (respectively): equal, monotonically increasing, monotonically decreasing, monotonically non-decreasing, or monotonically non-increasing, and #f otherwise. If any of the arguments are +nan.0, all the predicates return #f. They do not distinguish between inexact zero and inexact negative zero.

(max x1 x2 ...) (min x1 x2 ...)

These procedures return the maximum or minimum of their arguments.

If any argument is inexact, then the result will also be inexact (unless the procedure can prove that the inaccuracy is not large enough to affect the result, which is possible only in unusual implementations). If min or max is used to compare numbers of mixed exactness, and the numerical value of the result cannot be represented as an inexact number without loss of accuracy, then the procedure reports an implementation restriction.

(abs x)

The abs procedure returns the absolute value of its argument x.

(square z)

Returns the square of z. This is equivalent to (* z z).

(square 42)   ⇒ 1764
(square 2.0)  ⇒ 4.0

(sqrt z)

Returns the principal square root of z. The result will have either a positive real part, or a zero real part and a non-negative imaginary part.

(sqrt 9)   ⇒ 3
(sqrt -1)  ⇒ +i

(exact-integer-sqrt k)

Returns two non-negative exact integers s and r where k = s^2+r and k < (s+1)^2.

(expt z1 z2)

Returns z1 raised to the power z2. For non-zero z1, this is z1^z2 = e^(z2 log z1). The value of 0^z is 1 if (zero? z), 0 if (real-part z) is positive, and an error otherwise. Similarly for 0.0z, with inexact results.

(exp z) (log z) (log z1 z2) (sin z) (cos z) (tan z) (asin z) (acos z) (atan z) (atan y x)

These procedures compute the usual transcendental functions. The log procedure computes the natural logarithm of z (not the base-ten logarithm) if a single argument is given, or the base-z2 logarithm of z1 if two arguments are given. The asin, acos, and atan procedures compute arc-sine, arc-cosine, and arc-tangent, respectively. The two-argument variant of atan computes (angle (make-rectangular x y)).

Division and remainder

(gcd n ...) (lcm n ...)

These procedures return the greatest common divisor (gcd) or least common multiple (lcm) of their arguments. The result is always non-negative.

(gcd 32 -36)    ⇒ 4
(gcd)           ⇒ 0
(lcm 32 -36)    ⇒ 288
(lcm 32.0 -36)  ⇒ 288.0  ; inexact
(lcm)           ⇒ 1

(truncate/ n1 n2.) (truncate-quotient n1 n2) (truncate-remainder n1 n2)

These procedures implement number-theoretic integer division. It is an error if n2 is zero. truncate/ returns two integers; the other two procedures return an integer. All the procedures compute a quotient nq and remainder nr such that n1 = n2 * nq + nr. The three procedures are defined as follows:

(truncate/ n1 n2)          =⇒ nq nr
(truncate-quotient n1 n2)  =⇒ nq
(truncate-remainder n1 n2) =⇒ nr

The remainder nr is determined by the choice of integer nq: nr = n1 − n2 * nq where nq = truncate(n1/n2).

For any of the operators, and for integers n1 and n2 with n2 not equal to 0:

(= n1
   (+ (* n2 (truncate-quotient n1 n2))
            (truncate-remainder n1 n2)))
⇒  #t

provided all numbers involved in that computation are exact.

(truncate/ 5 2)      ⇒  2 1
(truncate/ -5 2)     ⇒  -2 -1
(truncate/ 5 -2)     ⇒  -2 1
(truncate/ -5 -2)    ⇒  2 -1
(truncate/ -5.0 -2)  ⇒  2.0 -1.0

(floor/ n1 n2) (floor-quotient n1 n2) (floor-remainder n1 n2)

These procedures implement number-theoretic integer division. It is an error if n2 is zero. floor/ returns two integers; the other two procedures return an integer. All the procedures compute a quotient nq and remainder nr such that n1 = n2 * nq + nr. The three procedures are defined as follows:

(floor/ n1 n2)          =⇒ nq nr
(floor-quotient n1 n2)  =⇒ nq
(floor-remainder n1 n2) =⇒ nr

The remainder nr is determined by the choice of integer nq: nr = n1 − n2 * nq where nq = floor(n1/n2).

For any of the operators, and for integers n1 and n2 with n2 not equal to 0:

(= n1
   (+ (* n2 (floor-quotient n1 n2))
            (floor-remainder n1 n2)))
⇒  #t

provided all numbers involved in that computation are exact.

(floor/ 5 2)    ⇒  2 1 
(floor/ -5 2)   ⇒  -3 1
(floor/ 5 -2)   ⇒  -3 -1
(floor/ -5 -2)  ⇒  2 -1

(quotient n1 n2) (remainder n1 n2) (modulo n1 n2)

The quotient and remainder procedures are equivalent to truncate-quotient and truncate-remainder, respectively, and modulo is equivalent to floor-remainder. These procedures are provided for backward compatibility with earlier versions of the Scheme language specification.

Fractional numbers

(numerator q) (denominator q)

These procedures return the numerator or denominator of their rational number q. The result is computed as if the argument was represented as a fraction in lowest terms. The denominator is always positive. The denominator of 0 is defined to be 1.

(numerator (/ 6 4))             ⇒  3
(denominator (/ 6 4))           ⇒  2
(denominator (inexact (/ 6 4))) ⇒  2.0

Complex numbers

(make-rectangular x1 x2)

Returns the complex number x1 + x2 * i. Since in LispKit, all complex numbers are inexact, make-rectangular returns an inexact complex number for all x1 and x2.

(make-polar x1 x2)

Returns a complex number z such that z = x1 * e^(x2 * i), i.e. x1 is the magnitude of the complex number. The make-polar procedure may return an inexact complex number even if its arguments are exact.

(real-part z)

Returns the real part of the given complex number z.

(imag-part z)

Returns the imaginary part of the given complex number z.

(magnitude z)

Returns the magnitude of the given complex number z. Assuming z = x1 * e^(x2 * i), magnitude returns x1. The magnitude procedure is the same as abs for a real argument.

(angle z)

Returns the angle of the given complex number z. The angle is a floating-point number between -pi and pi.

Random numbers

(random) (random max) (random min max)

If called without any arguments, random returns a random floating-point number between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive). If max is provided and is an exact integer, random returns a random exact integer between 0 (inclusive) and max (exclusive). If max is inexact, the random number returned by random is a floating-point number between 0.0 (inclusive) and max (exclusive). If min is provided, it is used instead of zero as the included lower-bound of the random number range. If one of min and max are inexact, the result is inexact. max needs to be greater than min.

(random)           ⇒ 0.17198431800336633
(random 10)        ⇒ 9
(random 10.0)      ⇒ 7.446150392968266
(random 0.1)       ⇒ 0.06781020202176374
(random 100 110)   ⇒ 106
(random 100 109.9) ⇒ 108.30564866186835

String representation

(number->string z) (number->string z radix) (number->string z radix len) (number->string z radix len prec) (number->string z radix len prec noexp)

It is an error if radix is not one of 2, 8, 10, or 16. The procedure number->string takes a number z and a radix and returns as a string an external representation of the given number in the given radix such that

(let ((number number)
      (radix radix))
  (eqv? number (string->number
                 (number->string number radix)

is true. It is an error if no possible result makes this expression true. If omitted, radix defaults to 10.

If z is inexact, the radix is 10, and the above expression can be satisfied by a result that contains a decimal point, then the result contains a decimal point and is expressed using the minimum number of digits (exclusive of exponent and trailing zeroes) needed to make the above expression true. Otherwise, the format of the result is unspecified. The result returned by number->string never contains an explicit radix prefix.

The error case can occur only when z is not a complex number or is a complex number with a non-rational real or imaginary part. If z is an inexact number and the radix is 10, then the above expression is normally satisfied by a result containing a decimal point. The unspecified case allows for infinities, NaNs, and unusual representations.

The string representation can be customized via parameters len, prec, and noexp. The absolute value of fixnum len determines the length of the string representation in characters. If len is negative, then the number is left-aligned; for positive len, it is right-aligned; if len is zero, no padding is done. prec determines the precision of flonum and complex values (i.e. the number of significant digits; default is 16). noexp is a boolean for disabling the exponential notation (if noexp is set to #t).

(number->string pi 10 5 5)   ⇒ "3.1416"
(number->string pi 10 9 5)   ⇒ "   3.1416"
(number->string pi 10 -9 5)  ⇒ "3.1416   "

(string->number str) (string->number str radix)

Returns a number of the maximally precise representation expressed by the given string str. It is an error if radix is not 2, 8, 10, or 16. If supplied, radix is a default radix that will be overridden if an explicit radix prefix is present in string (e.g. "#o177"). If radix is not supplied, then the default radix is 10. If string str is not a syntactically valid notation for a number, or would result in a number that cannot be represented, then string->number returns #f. An error is never signaled due to the content of string.

(string->number "100")     ⇒ 100
(string->number "100" 16)  ⇒ 256
(string->number "1e2")     ⇒ 100.0

Bitwise operations

The following bitwise functions operate on integers including fixnums and bignums.

(bitwise-not n)

Returns the bitwise complement of n; i.e. all 1 bits are changed to 0 bits and all 0 bits to 1 bits.

(bitwise-and n ...)

Returns the bitwise and of the given integer arguments n ....

(bitwise-ior n ...)

Returns the bitwise inclusive or of the given integer arguments n ....

(bitwise-xor n ...)

Returns the bitwise exclusive or (xor) of the given integer arguments n ....

(bitwise-if mask n m)

Merge the integers n and m, via integer mask determining from which integer to take each bit. That is, if the k-th bit of mask is 0, then the k-th bit of the result is the k-th bit of n, otherwise the k-th bit of m. bitwise-if is defined in the following way:

(define (bitwise-if mask n m)
  (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and mask n) (bitwise-and (bitwise-not mask) m)))

(bit-count n)

Returns the population count of 1's if n >= 0, or 0's, if n < 0. The result is always non-negative. The R6RS analogue bitwise-bit-count procedure is incompatible as it applies bitwise-not to the population count before returning it if n is negative.

(bit-count 0)    ⇒  0
(bit-count -1)   ⇒  0
(bit-count 7)    ⇒  3
(bit-count  13)  ⇒  3
(bit-count -13)  ⇒  2
(bit-count  30)  ⇒  4
(bit-count -30)  ⇒  4
(bit-count (expt 2 100))           ⇒  1
(bit-count (- (expt 2 100)))       ⇒  100
(bit-count (- (+ 1 (expt 2 100)))) ⇒  1

(integer-length n)

Returns the number of bits needed to represent n, i.e.

(ceiling (/ (log (if (negative? integer)
			           (- integer)
			           (+ 1 integer)))
		        (log 2)))

The result is always non-negative. For non-negative n, this is the number of bits needed to represent n in an unsigned binary representation. For all n, (+ 1 (integer-length i)) is the number of bits needed to represent n in a signed two's-complement representation.

(first-bit-set n)

Returns the index of the least significant 1 bit in the two's complement representation of n. If n is 0, then −1 is returned.

(first-bit-set 0)   ⇒  -1
(first-bit-set 1)   ⇒  0
(first-bit-set -4)  ⇒  2

(bit-set? n k)

k must be non-negative. The bit-set? procedure returns #t if the k-th bit is 1 in the two's complement representation of n, and #f otherwise. This is the result of the following computation:

(not (zero? (bitwise-and (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left 1 k) n)))

(copy-bit n k b)

k must be non-negative, and b must be either 0 or 1. The copy-bit procedure returns the result of replacing the k-th bit of n by the k-th bit of b, which is the result of the following computation:

(bitwise-if (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left 1 k)
            (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left b k)

(arithmetic-shift n count)

If count > 0, shifts integer n left by count bits; otherwise, shifts fixnum n right by count bits. In general, this procedure returns the result of the following computation: (floor (* n (expt 2 count))).

(arithmetic-shift -6 -1)  ⇒  -3
(arithmetic-shift -5 -1)  ⇒  -3
(arithmetic-shift -4 -1)  ⇒  -2
(arithmetic-shift -3 -1)  ⇒  -2
(arithmetic-shift -2 -1)  ⇒  -1
(arithmetic-shift -1 -1)  ⇒  -1

(arithmetic-shift-left n count)

Returns the result of arithmetically shifting n to the left by count bits. count must be non-negative. The arithmetic-shift-left procedure behaves the same as arithmetic-shift.

(arithmetic-shift-right n count)

Returns the result of arithmetically shifting n to the right by count bits. count must be non-negative. (arithmetic-shift-right n m) behaves the same as (arithmetic-shift n (fx- m)).

Fixnum operations

LispKit supports arbitrarily large exact integers. Internally, it has two different representations, one for smaller integers and one for the rest. These are colloquially known as fixnums and bignums respectively. In LispKit, a fixnum is represented as a 64 bit signed integer which is encoded using two-complement.

Fixnum operations perform integer arithmetic on their fixnum arguments. If any argument is not a fixnum, or if the mathematical result is not representable as a fixnum, it is an error. In particular, this means that fixnum operations may return a mathematically incorrect fixnum in these situations without raising an error.

(integer->fixnum n)

integer->fixnum coerces a given integer n into a fixnum. If n is a fixnum already, n is returned by integer->fixnum. If n is a bignum, then the first word of the bignum is returned as the result of integer->fixnum.

(fx+ n m ...) (fx- n ...) (fx* n m ...) (fx/ n m ...)

These procedures return the sum, the difference, the product and the quotient of their fixnum arguments n m .... These procedures may overflow without reporting an error. (fx- n) is negating n.

(fx= n m o ...) (fx< n m o ...) (fx> n m o ...) (fx<= n m o ...) (fx>= n m o ...)

These procedures implement the comparison predicates for fixnums. fx= returns #t if all provided fixnums are equal. fx< returns #t if all provided fixnums are strictly monotonically increasing. fx> returns #t if all provided fixnums are strictly monotonically decreasing. fx<= returns #t if all provided fixnums are monotonically increasing. fx>= returns #t if all provided fixnums are monotonically decreasing.

(fx1+ n)

Increments the fixnum n by one and returns the value. This procedure may overflow without raising an error.

(fx1- n)

Decrements the fixnum n by one and returns the value. This procedure may overflow without raising an error.

(fxzero? n)

Returns #t if fixnum n equals to 0.

(fxpositive? n)

Returns #t if fixnum n is positive, i.e. n > 0.

(fxnegative? n)

Returns #t if fixnum n is negative, i.e. n < 0.

(fxabs n)

Returns the absolute value of its fixnum argument n.

(fxremainder n m)

This procedure returns a value r such that the following equation holds: n = m * q + r where q is the largest number of multiples of m that will fit inside n. The sign of m gets ignored. This means that (fxremainder n m) and (fxremainder n (- m)) always return the same answer.

(fxremainder 13 5)   ⇒  3
(fxremainder 13 -5)  ⇒  3
(fxremainder -13 5)  ⇒  -3
(fxremainder -13 -5) ⇒  -3

(fxmodulo n m)

This procedure computes a remainder similar to (fxremainder n m), but when (fxremainder n m) has a different sign than m, (fxmodulo n m) returns (+ (fxremainder n m) m) instead.

(fxmodulo 13 5)   ⇒  3
(fxmodulo 13 -5)  ⇒  -2
(fxmodulo -13 5)  ⇒  2
(fxmodulo -13 -5) ⇒  -3

(fxsqrt n)

Approximates the square root s of fixnum n such that s is the biggest fixnum for which s × s ≤ n.

(fxnot n)

Returns the bitwise-logical inverse for fixnum n.

(fxnot 0)    ⇒  -1
(fxnot -1)   ⇒  0
(fxnot 1)    ⇒  -2
(fxnot -34)  ⇒  33

(fxand n m)

Returns the bitwise-logical and for n and m.

(fxand #x43 #x0f)  ⇒  3
(fxand #x43 #xf0)  ⇒  64

(fxior n m)

Returns the bitwise-logical inclusive or for n and m.

(fxxor n m)

Returns the bitwise-logical exclusive or (xor) for n and m.

(fxif mask n m)

Merges the bit sequences n and m, with bit sequence mask determining from which sequence to take each bit. That is, if the k-th bit of mask is 1, then the k-th bit of the result is the k-th bit of n, otherwise it's the k-th bit of m.

(fxif 3 1 8)  ⇒  9
(fxif 3 8 1)  ⇒  0
(fxif 1 1 2)  ⇒  3
(fxif #b00111100 #b11110000 #b00001111)  ⇒  #b00110011 = 51

fxif can be implemented via (fxior (fxand mask n) (fxand (fxnot mask) m))).

(fxarithmetic-shift n count)

If count > 0, shifts fixnum n left by count bits; otherwise, shifts fixnum n right by count bits. The absolute value of count must be less than fx-width.

(fxarithmetic-shift 8 2)    ⇒  32
(fxarithmetic-shift 4 0)    ⇒  4
(fxarithmetic-shift 8 -1)   ⇒  4
(fxarithmetic-shift -1 62)  ⇒  -4611686018427387904

fxarithmetic-shift can be implemented via (floor (fx* n (expt 2 m))) if this computes to a fixnum.

(fxarithmetic-shift-left n count) (fxlshift n count)

Returns the result of arithmetically shifting n to the left by count bits. count must be non-negative, and less than fx-width. The fxarithmetic-shift-left procedure behaves the same as fxarithmetic-shift.

(fxarithmetic-shift-right n count) (fxrshift n count)

Returns the result of arithmetically shifting n to the right by count bits. count must be non-negative, and less than fx-width. (fxarithmetic-shift-right n m) behaves the same as (fxarithmetic-shift n (fx- m)).

(fxlogical-shift-right n count) (fxlrshift n count)

Returns the result of logically shifting n to the right by count bits. count must be non-negative, and less than fx-width.

(fxlogical-shift 8 2)    ⇒  2
(fxlogical-shift 4 0)    ⇒  4
(fxlogical-shift -1 62)  ⇒  3

(fxbit-count n)

If n is non-negative, this procedure returns the number of 1 bits in the two's complement representation of n. Otherwise, it returns the result of the following computation: (fxnot (fxbit-count (fxnot n))).

(fxlength n)

Returns the number of bits needed to represent n if it is positive, and the number of bits needed to represent (fxnot n) if it is negative, which is the fixnum result of the following computation:

(do ((res 0 (fx1+ res))
     (bits (if (fxnegative? n) (fxnot n) n)
           (fxarithmetic-shift-right bits 1)))
    ((fxzero? bits) res))

(fxfirst-bit-set obj)

Returns the index of the least significant 1 bit in the two's complement representation of n. If n is 0, then −1 is returned.

(fxfirst-bit-set 0)   ⇒  -1
(fxfirst-bit-set 1)   ⇒  0
(fxfirst-bit-set -4)  ⇒  2

(fxbit-set? n k)

k must be non-negative and less than fx-width. The fxbit-set? procedure returns #t if the k-th bit is 1 in the two's complement representation of n, and #f otherwise. This is the fixnum result of the following computation:

(not (fxzero? (fxand n (fxarithmetic-shift-left 1 k))))

(fxcopy-bit n k b)

k must be non-negative and less than fx-width. b must be 0 or 1. The fxcopy-bit procedure returns the result of replacing the k-th bit of n by b, which is the result of the following computation:

(fxif (fxarithmetic-shift-left 1 k)
      (fxarithmetic-shift-left b k)

(fxmin n m ...)

Returns the minimum of the provided fixnums n, m ....

(fxmax n m ...)

Returns the maximum of the provided fixnums n, m ....

(fxrandom) (fxrandom max) (fxrandom min max)

Returns a random number between fixnum min (inclusive) and fixnum max (exclusive). If min is not provided, then 0 is assumed to be the minimum bound. max is required to be greater than min. If called without any arguments, fxrandom returns a random fixnum number from the full fixnum range.

(fxrandom)           ⇒ 3845975858750874798
(fxrandom 10)        ⇒ 7
(fxrandom -6 -2)     ⇒ -5

Floating-point operations

(make-flonum x n)

Returns x × 2^n, where n is a fixnum with an implementation-dependent range. The significand x is a flonum.

(real->flonum x)

Returns the best flonum representation of real number x.

(flexponent x)

Returns the exponent of flonum x (using a base of 2).

(flsignificand x)

Returns the significand of flonum x.

(flnext x)

Returns the least representable flonum value that compares greater than flonum x.

(flprev x)

Returns the greatest representable flonum value that compares less than flonum x.

(fl+ x y...) (fl* x y...)

These procedures return the flonum sum or product of their flonum arguments x y .... In general, they return the flonum that best approximates the mathematical sum or product.

(fl- x ...) (fl/ x ...)

These procedures return the flonum difference or quotient of their flonum arguments x .... In general, they return the flonum that best approximates the mathematical difference or quotient. (fl- x) negates x, (fl/ x) is equivalent to (fl/ 1.0 x).

(flzero? x)

Returns #t if x = 0.0, #f otherwise.

(flpositive? x)

Returns #t if x > 0.0, #f otherwise.

(flnegative? x)

Returns #t if x < 0.0, #f otherwise.

(fl= x y z ...) (fl< x y z ...) (fl> x y z ...) (fl<= x y z ...) (fl>= x y z ...)

These procedures implement the comparison predicates for flonums. fl= returns #t if all provided flonums are equal. fl< returns #t if all provided flonums are strictly monotonically increasing. fl> returns #t if all provided flonums are strictly monotonically decreasing. fl<= returns #t if all provided flonums are monotonically increasing. fl>= returns #t if all provided flonums are monotonically decreasing.

(fl= +inf.0 +inf.0)  ⇒  #t
(fl= -inf.0 +inf.0)  ⇒  #f
(fl= -inf.0 -inf.0)  ⇒  #t
(fl= 0.0 -0.0)       ⇒  #t
(fl< 0.0 -0.0)       ⇒  #f
(fl= +nan.0 123.0)   ⇒  #f
(fl< +nan.0 123.0)   ⇒  #f

(flabs x)

Returns the absolute value of x as a flonum.

(flmin x ...)

Returns the minimum value of the provided flonum values x .... If no arguments are provided, positive infinity is returned.

(flmax x ...)

Returns the maximum value of the provided flonum values x .... If no arguments are provided, negative infinity is returned.

(flrandom) (flrandom max) (flrandom min max)

Returns a random number between flonum min (inclusive) and flonum max (exclusive). If min is not provided, then 0.0 is assumed to be the minimum bound. max is required to be greater than min. If called without any arguments, flrandom returns a random floating-point number from the interval [0.0, 1.0[.

(flrandom)          ⇒ 0.2179448178976645
(flrandom 123.4)    ⇒ 30.841401002076296
(flrandom -5.0 5.0) ⇒ -2.6619236065396237

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